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Welcome to the Carbonluck Carbon Footprint Calculator!

In an era where climate change and environmental protection are increasingly important, our carbon footprint calculator allows you to easily estimate your carbon footprint and understand the sources of your carbon emissions. The calculation is simple and straightforward, requiring you to enter some basic information such as your energy consumption, transportation methods, eating habits and more. Our computer will calculate your estimated annual CO2 equivalent emissions based on the data you provide. Let you better understand the impact of your lifestyle and behavior on the earth's environment.

Start using our carbon footprint calculator now and help protect the environment together!
  • The source of the carbon emission coefficient used by the computer on this website is public information from the Ministry of Environment, Executive Yuan. The data will be updated regularly based on the latest announcements from the Ministry of Environment to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the calculation results.
  • The calculation results are only for estimating carbon emissions in personal life and as a reference for carbon reduction or carbon offset. We use a comprehensive carbon emissions calculation formula that takes into account the environmental impact of various daily activities and consumption habits.
  • Please note that the results of this calculator may vary depending on geographic location, lifestyle and other factors. We recommend that users use these results as a rough guide and take specific carbon reduction actions based on their actual circumstances.
  • Based on your carbon footprint calculation results, we will provide some personalized carbon reduction suggestions and action guides to help you easily implement carbon reduction actions in your daily life.
Carbonluck carbon footprint calculator
{|progress_bar(calpage, cals)|}


You can show we care about global warming by supporting carbon offset projects. Once the calculation is complete, and in just a few simple steps, the cost per ton of CO2 is just a few dollars. You'll also receive a personalized certificate recognizing your offset contribution, which makes the perfect gift too!
Please first select the interval covered by the calculation results
Please enter the number of people covered by this statistic
Next, let's calculate the carbon footprint of life!
Your calculation results({|people|} {|(people == 1)?'Person':'People'|})
tons CO2e / {|(period == 7)?'Week':((period == 30)?'Month':'Year')|}
Equivalent to the annual carbon footprint per person {|(caltotal()/people/period*365)|number:2|} tons CO2e
Offset Immediately
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