Taking environmentally beneficial actions with Carbonluck to cool down the Earth Become a Carbonluck member
Carbonluck carbon footprint calculator
{|progress_bar(calpage, cals)|}


You can show we care about global warming by supporting carbon offset projects. Once the calculation is complete, and in just a few simple steps, the cost per ton of CO2 is just a few dollars. You'll also receive a personalized certificate recognizing your offset contribution, which makes the perfect gift too!
Please first select the interval covered by the calculation results
Please enter the number of people covered by this statistic
Next, let's calculate the carbon footprint of life!
Your calculation results({|people|} {|(people == 1)?'Person':'People'|})
tons CO2e / {|(period == 7)?'Week':((period == 30)?'Month':'Year')|}
Equivalent to the annual carbon footprint per person {|(caltotal()/people/period*365)|number:2|} tons CO2e
Offset Immediately
{| project_text |}{| project_unit |}
carbon projects
in our CarbonMart
{| product_text |}{| product_unit |}
carbon products
in our CarbonMart
{| tonnes_text |}{| tonnes_unit |}
tons of carbon credits
in our CarbonMart
EUAs Source:[ICE]Intercontinental Exchange
Embark on a Carbon-Luck Journey into the Future with Carbonluck
Join Us
Welcome to join Carbonluck and promote climate action together. By joining us, you will be able to easily participate in carbon credit trading and carbon offsets, and contribute to the future of the earth.
Simple to become a member:
  1. Visit official website:Go to Carbonluck official website
  2. Select member type:Individual or Corporation
  3. Register information:On the registration page, fill in your basic information
  4. Learn about the project:Get detailed information on carbon credit projects and participate in these projects
  5. Start Offsetting:Start purchasing or offsetting carbon credits through our platform
Join us to create a green and sustainable tomorrow. Every step of your participation is important support for our mission. We look forward to your joining and working together for a better future!
Join Us